Monday, January 4, 2010

Kawaii Stationary Alert!

Hey Guys!

It's getting close to that time of year (here is Aus, at any rate) when back to school shopping starts! Personally, I love stationary and kawaii, asian stationary makes going back to school a lot easier to handle. But because a lot of the items that I buy from eBay are from Hong Kong, Japan or the UK, they can take WEEKS to get here, so when I need stationary for school, I still buy online but it's from an Australian site. And YES, Australian sites that stock cute Kamio or Crux stationary DO exist. This year I'll be in year 12, so I need to be more organised and use my time wisely.

I've just read over what I typed and I soud like a broken, advertisement record. I love these sites to death which is why I like to prattle on about them to anyone that will listen, 'cause the people behind the site have to live as well. Ok, so here is just the only three that I could find with pretty reasonable prices:

For the best shipping, Aiko is ruler, 'cause they charge a flat shipping rate of $6.50, regardless of how much you buy and it's also registered post.
For best payment options, Happy Treasure wins, because you can use credit card, paypal, money order or bank deposit.
Kawaii Imports stock a bit more than just stationary and they also accept direct deposit.

I just put a small order through KI for these items:

Lotsa love!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just another quick thing.

I just looked at my little thing at the bottom of my last post and noticed that it says it's currently 6:27am. Until I figure out how to undo this setting, the clock thing is 6 hours fast. It's only 12:29am here!

Just a Quick Shout Out!

Hey Guys!
Am just about to tuck myself in the couch for a Family Guy marathon (Sweet! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe.....) and thought to show you the new bento that I bought from eBay today.
Isn't it gorgeous? At the moment I'm having a real thing for My Melody and when I typed it into the search bar, this popped right up! I'll post up a pic when I 'christian' it with some cute HK onigiri.

Night Guys!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Just a quick update

Have put in my order for some cute new nail bit and bobs. So when they arrive, I'll take a few pics and show you my nails for that day. Had to work this morning (blurgh 'cause I worked last night as well) and will have to go to bed so I can get up early and work again tomorrow morning. But was online and found some really cute nail images on Flickr (is there anything that site CAN'T do?) for inspiration when I make nails for myself and my BFFs for the first week of school. It's scary to believe that it's our final year of high school. Ever!
Hope everyone had a Good New Year!

lotsa love

Oh so cute!